PIXIE CREW - Brand uniqueness

Market problem : Our kids spend lots of time in online world playing video games or watching YouTube channels. Kids lose concentration and their fine motor skills; imagination and fantasy weaken. They let others entertain them selves.
PIXIE CREW solution: PIXIE CREW connects the kid's online world with their offline world through variety of products which can be designed with small colorful silicone pixels. Kids can create their heroes or any other images and have them anytime with them through the day.
Core values we stand for: Imagination, Ability to replicate the template, Fine motor skills, Strengthen the memory, Creativity

This silicone PIXIE CREW panel is our creative added value and the key differentiator to other products.
- Is equipped with small lugs - shaped on " T " shape
- Has a set of small tiles 6 x 6 mm (we call them pixels) which are in 24 different colors
- Is made from top-quality silicone
- With placing the pixels on the panel ,children can create their own designs or follow templates
- And by time at the moment they are willing to change the design, they easily take pixels off the panel and replace with another ones.
- By this activity we deliver - creativity, fine motor skills development and individual self expression

It´s so easy, grab a pixel and push or twist it onto the silicone panel where it stays in place thanks to the Pixie-Lock system.
After attachment the PIXIES are highly stable, disattachment occurs only in the case of severe bending or hard scratching of the panel.
The item is made for you to be able to continuously change your design.